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ThriftyAngel: A Proverbs 31 Woman

Ever wondered what it's like to quit your job, follow the Lord in radical obedience, and end up being a business owner? Angelina Misyukovets from ThriftyAngel did just that. Read my interview with her to get a glimpse into how she got started, what she does, and how you can be a part of the bigger picture.



Q: What's the story behind ThriftyAngel?

A: Jesus told me to quit my [teaching] job and go into full time ministry without any ideas about what I was going to do for income. I knew I had heard him clearly... so I put in my two weeks and quit. It wasn’t until about a month after quitting [my job] that I had the idea to thrift & resell clothes for profit.

Q: Why thrifting? How did you come up with the idea?

A: My family came [from Belarus] to America as immigrants. We were really poor. My mom has been a thrifting queen since I could remember, even after we had enough money to buy new clothes. Thrifting with my mom was so fun for me. I’d get to go to Goodwills and yard sales with my mom every Saturday and she’d give me some money to spend that morning. I truly enjoy it -- it doesn’t seem like work to me.

Q: How do you choose what you thrift for your inventory?

A: I keep my audience/customer base in mind, choosing items I think they would love. But you truly have to imagine each piece already styled when you're thrifting. I can’t tell you how many times I bought something that everyone thought was ugly until I put it on and styled it. Then everyone would ask me where I got it! Basically, I use my imagination. ;)

Q: Did you ever see yourself in full time ministry? As an entrepreneur?

A: I’ve always known I wanted to be in ministry (I grew up as a pastor's kid), but I never saw myself as an entrepreneur. Overall, it’s been a really fun journey.

Q: What would be your wildest dream for ThriftyAngel?

A: My wildest dream would be to have a consistent audience that follows not only for the clothes, but for the story behind it as well. Kingdom mindsets produce kingdom businesses. It's about more than just the clothes!


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She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out at night. - Proverbs 31:16-18
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